A7 Rocket Engine Scale Model kit 1/12 - Accuraspacemodels
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(1 customer review)


Super high detail scale model kit of the famous Rocketdyne A7 rocket engine of Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle.

Available on backorder

SKU: A7-00001 Category:

The Rocketdyne A7 rocket engine was used on the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle.It was the first American manned space booster that launch the first American in space.The Redstone Model A7 powerplant is a single-start with no intermediate thrust control turbopump-fed, liquid bipropellant rocket engine. The main engine propellants are liquid oxygen and denatured 75-percent ethyl alcohol. The turbopumps are driven by the exhaust products of decomposed 75-percent hydrogen peroxide. The A7 rocket engine features double-walled thrust chamber cooled by the alcohol supplied by the single fuel line which extends from the fuel side of the turbopump to the fuel inlet connection at the base of the thrust chamber exhaust nozzle. This single fuel line is a major change in engine configuration over earlier models. The A7 rocket engine operated at 78,000 lb of sea-level thrust for a nominal duration of 121 sec.

Item Description
Full SLA (Stereolithography) 3dprinted scale model kit with very high detail.
Printed detailed assembly instructions booklet included in the kit also available as a PDF download.

Dimensions of finished model:
Height: 265mm (10.4in)
Width/Length: 102x102mm (4x4in)

Additional Information
Weight 0.350 kg
Dimensions 29 × 19 × 7 cm


Reviews (1)

1 review for A7

  1. Perry DUke (verified owner)

    Received the A7 kit and I am blown away by the detail and quality of the kit. I really think this is one of the highest quality 3d printed kits I have ever seen. Looking forward to the build as it looks like it will be straightforward.

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